Health is central to human happiness and well-being. It is also vital for economic progress, as healthy populations live longer, are more productive, and save more. FEES believes that a healthy community is more likely to support bigger picture endeavors like the conservation and protection of natural resources for future generations, and the country as a whole.

FEES, Terre et Faune and QOA Association support Oldonyomali Dispensary with various facilities for improving health services provision.

Health education improves community health by increasing knowledge and influencing attitudes. FEES educate local people about causes, symptoms, and prevention of diseases common to Enduimet’s marginalized communities previously unable to access even the most basic health information.

Quality education for primary and secondary school children is the bedrock of any country's future development. Effective school health education at this age means a safer, healthier, happier future generation. By providing classes in common disease causes, symptoms and prevention. We work to promote the overall educational, social, economic and political well-being of all Tanzania's youth.